In July 2023, the GSCA Innovations Committee conducted a test to show the strengths of six higher-than-6K-resolution cameras to show filmmakers how each performs in challenging situations. Under the direction of GSCA Innovations Committee Co-Chair Michael Daut and with renowned cinematographer James Neihouse, ASC, serving as director of photography using a wide variety of cameras, lenses, shooting situations, and locations, this test will provide invaluable information to filmmakers as they decide which equipment to use for different types of shoots. This is a follow-up to the camera tests conducted in 2014 for the Bring Back Our Wide Shots (BBOWS) presentation, 2017 for the Saving Our Aspect Ratio (SOAR) presentation, and the 2018 8K Digital Camera Comparison.
The session recording as presented on the dome screen in Cincinnati is not available for viewing here, but it will be shown on the flat screen at the GSCA Film Expo in Los Angeles, March 11-14, 2024.
Presented during the GSCA 2023 Conference during the Dome Day Innovations Session at the Cincinnati Museum Center Omnimax Theater.
Session organizers: Michael Daut, Michael Daut Productions/K2 Studios; James Neihouse, ASC