Led by Pawel Achtel ACS of the Innovations Committee and shot by a team of ACS cinematographers, we evaluate the performance of the following state-of-the-art cameras: RED Monstro 8K, ARRI LF, Blackmagic Design 12K, Canon R5, Achtel 9×7. We see each camera’s performance in dynamic range tests, rolling shutter tests, zone charts, resolution charts, and real-world shooting locations. In part two of this session, at a future time when we meet in person, we will see the footage compared back-to-back on the giant screen. The session includes Q&A after Pawel’s presentation.
This session was presented at the GSCA 2021 Virtual Film Expo. Organized by the GSCA Innovations Committee, led by committee co-chairs Michael Daut, Michael Daut Productions, and Christian Fry, CVF Productions.