Please contact Tammy Barrett at if you have questions.
Delivery Specifications for Films in Production
- Films in Production content is due to IMAX by Friday, August 16.
- Late or altered/redelivered content will be charged $100 per day, inclusive of weekends.
- All are encouraged to submit content as early as possible. The earlier the projects are delivered, the more time there is available to address any unexpected issues or concerns that arise.
- No content should be sent directly to the host theaters.
- After the event, all the source materials will be returned to the submitters and all data will be wiped from IMAX systems.
IMAX will prepare the content for Films in Production presentations at the:
- McWane IMAX Laser Dome Theater (Birmingham, AL) to play on 1 projector, 2D, up to 1.43:1 aspect ratio and with enhanced sound, according to the content provided.
- Tennessee Aquarium IMAX Laser Theater (Chattanooga, TN) to play on 2 projectors, 2D or 3D, up to 1.43:1 aspect ratio and with enhanced sound, according to the content provided.
Delivery Specifications
- Film in Production content length is five minutes maximum.
- Deliver as a SMPTE standard 24fps DCP
- Encode using JPEG2000 compression up to and no greater than 400 Mbps
- For audio specifications refer to Appendix B
- If 3D, please create an interleaved DCP
- Target 22-foot lamberts for 2D material and 10-foot lamberts an eye for 3D material
- For content taller than 1.9:1 up to 1.43:1 full screen material, pre-process the image in your DCP package by squeezing the vertical dimension by exactly 24.8%. The anamorphic lens of the projector will expand the image to the correct ratio. See Appendix C for an image example
- All content must be named through the Digital Naming Convention
- If delivering encrypted content, please contact Tammy Barrett and to request the server certificate
- If the content is encrypted, provide KDM date range from September 1 – 30, 2024.
Delivery of Content
Preferred delivery method via Aspera Faspex
- Aspera Dropbox for IMAX
- instructions available here
- Email a DKDM to with a copy to The KDM range should be from September 1-30, 2024.
Optional delivery of USB 3.0 compatible hard drive or thumb drive delivered to:
IMAX Corporation, Attention: Patricia Keighley 12582 West Millennium Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90094
Phone: 1-310-255-5571
Include prepaid FedEx or UPS return label